Showing posts with label Duality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Duality. Show all posts

Duality #7 - Amalgam

 The Amalgam is a perfect base raiding ship for bases with a lot of loot. 

The Amalgam uses specialized parts that requires a special refinery to acquire. Visit the special systems and hit the trade ships found there, as they carry "Plundered Cargo". Once the Amalgam is built, the Amalgam Refinary shows up, and the first batch of Cargo can be redeemed for Plundered Cargo Exocomp. This boosts the cargo loot significantly for the Amalgam.

If you have the Combat Exocomp unlocked, consider activating the Warp Speed Exocomp as well, or use Discovery Summoning to make the most of the limited time of the Plundered Cargo Exocomp.

Use the Amalgam to chase down the trade ships for plunder. Use another ship on the other ships in the system to get the trade ships to spawn if needed. 

Once enough plunder is gathered, it can be redeemed at the refinery for Amalgam Parts and Refinery Tokens which yields more Exocomps, Refit Chard Trackers, and Honorguard Worf shards. 

The Amalgam can get a cloak, which may be useful to sneak in and take a load of loot and warp out from frenzies going on.

As the Amalgam is upgraded, it can take more loot from bases. The key is the bigger the loot, the more over it will grab. Warp out or guard once loot cargo is acquired.

Duality #6 - Officer Presets

Officers can now be rapidly swapped using presets. This only works for the bridge crews, and if the officers are in use elsewhere, the option to speed up a ship repair or away team mission will pop up. If the officers are still not available for other reasons (deployed or no speedups available), a partial preset will be set.

This is a graphic showing how the Officer Presets work in STFC and the error that will show up if the officer is not available.

Duality #5 - Syndicate

Level up your standing to unlock special benefits, officer presets, and a unique officer

A new faction has become available, but not in the normal way. Gain Syndicate XP to level up the Syndicate Faction from various sources.

This shows how to acquire Syndicate XP in the game to level up the Syndicate Faction and improve the benefits. This is done thru the battle pass, events, daily chests (22h cooldown), and occasional missions.
***The Daily collection for the Syndicate is done on the Syndicate page, not from the regular reward chests. (Tap the icon next to the latinum) ***

Syndicate XP is earned which causes player buffs and daily improvements when the next tier is reached. Here is a chart of the buffs by tier:

This chart shows all of the benefits the syndicate gives players at the associated faction level, and where the free officer presets are given. This also shows where the Ghrush shards are given so he can be maxed out. Some buffs are linked to the player Ops level, so as the player levels up, the benefit will also improve.

Specific amounts of boost varies based on player Ops Level. 

The buffs with variable levels are shown in this chart

Once a player reaches a high enough level with the Syndicate, the rewards will start to influence the daily goal outputs.

The added buffs can multiply the daily goal rewards and those are shown on this screenshot.

Here are the Daily Goal boost breakdowns by Syndicate Tier
TierMultiplier Benefit
51.5x Parsteel, Tritanium and Dilithium 
82x Parsteel, Tritanium and Dilithium 
101.5x Frequency Modulator Mk. II
13 3x Parsteel, Tritanium and Dilithium 
151.25x Faction token and reputation (+/-)
18 4x Parsteel, Tritanium and Dilithium 
20 1.5x Faction token and reputation (+/-) 
25 1.75x Faction token and reputation (+/-) 

Duality #4 - Buying Cloak from Factions

 The cloak is now available from the Faction Stores if players have a high enough reputation. 

Cloaking shards can be purchased from the faction stores in STFC

Here are the costs of the Cloaking Shards as of now:
This chart shows the costs of cloaking for each ship

At first release, Only the LVL24 and LVL28 ship cloaks (Uncommon) were available. Later the other ships were added to the faction stores. Some cloaks are pay-walled like the Sarcophagus. Augment ships do not have the ability to cloak at this time.

Duality #3 - Daily Cloaking for Research

A new Daily Goal is now available, which yields a resource that is required for new research in the Galaxy section of the tree. 

New Research:
  • Increase cloaking duration for all ships - LVL26 Req
  • Increase SHP for all ships - LVL26 Req
  • Increase HHP for all ships - LVL26 Req
  • Increase Armada mitigation while cloaked - LVL28 Req
  • Increase cloaking duration for Klingon ships - LVL30 Req
  • Increase cloaking duration for Romulan ships - LVL30 Req
  • Increase Crit Damage while cloaked - LVL32 Req

New Prime Research:

  • Increase Research Payout from Daily Goals - LVL26 Req
  • Increase PVP damage while cloaked - LVL30 Req
  • Increase Officer stats - LVL32 Req

Duality #2 - New L33 Borg Systems

Update: The new L33 systems now require Borg Warp Tokens. If you were quick, you got in and were able to grind nanoprobes for free before the fix was applied.

These systems were added to relieve the overload of players in one system with a Maxed Vi'Dar competing in events. 

Duality #1 - Cloaked Ships

The cloaking ability has been added to the Klingon and Romulan ships in STFC. The ability needs to have a refit cloaking per ship. 

This shows how the cloak capability works and where to find which ships can gain the ability

Here are the intro slides from the game explaining how Cloak works once unlocked

You've aquired a Cloaking Device!. Cloaked ships are temporarily invisible and cannot targeted. Attacking while cloaked deals increased damage and provides a chance to hide your name and alliance data from enemy Battle Reports.

Operating the cloak requires Tetryons, which is gathered in a daily gift chest once a Cloak refit is applied to a ship type (You don't need to have the ship to redeem the Cloak Shards)

* Note the Max of 200, so the number of times the cloak can be used daily is limited.
Redeem over limit and a 5m repair will be awarded. 

As a ship is tiered up, the Cloak will last longer. 
Higher power ships have a higher Tetryon operating cost that is not affected by ship tier.

This chart shows the time a ship can remain cloaked in minutes based on the ship tier (linked to the warp drive) and the tetryon cost to establish the cloak.

Battles have a boost to damage and a 66% for player name and alliance to not show in the log

Attacking while cloaked also boosts weapons damage against targets, which is especially noticeable on critical hits.
This chart proves that cloaked ships have a boost to weapons against their opponents

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