
Gameplay-Strategy #16: North Star as a Hammer

The North Star is a rather effective ship that is a specialty mining ship that improves as it is leveled up, but it has a really good hull. It is also available at OPS18, and can be used to hit hostile ships up to 9 levels above the OPS of the player, and it doesn't really get replaced until OPS26 with upgrades or OPS28.

Once a player reaches OPS20, they unlock the Refinery LVL20, allows a player to refine 3* materials. The chances of Uncommon is low and batches are small, but when Bonus Refineries show up, the yield is still good. 

Some issues with leveling and tiering the North Star at these lower levels can include:
    1. Long tier up times (lower level players do not have a surplus of speedups)
    2. Mining ship parts need Latinum (Participate in events and Away Team Missions)
    3. Dilithium cost (Low level players cant get Dilithium tokens, Events are best bet)
    4. Base Raids (Don't forget to shield your base or you may loose your saved materials)
    5. High ship XP demand (Use auto level technique at night)

Getting the North Star blue prints (BPs) can be a challenge though, as there is not enough missions to get the ship for free. 

There are Event Stores every few months that the BPs can be purchased for free, based on participation in events. The pack for a full unlock is only $20 in the store and shows up quite often. 

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