
Gameplay-Strategy #15: Auto Level Ships

Ships can be leveled up automatically by sending a ship to hostile space. This can be a little challenging for regular faction spaces for predicting the type of hostiles that will be generated. This is really easy though when properly crewed and ship sent to the right place, especially before going to bed as it is easier than to manually grid hostiles.

Park a ship that needs XP points in hostile space, and let the server send battleships after you to gain XP points. A “Trained” hostile of the same level will be stronger than the other ships in the system but give more XP, so pick your system carefully. Server will launch attacks about once a minute. You will also gain points towards your other factions while doing this, just as you would hunting normally. You can also move bases into hostile space. This works great while shielded for a long period of time

One thing that is consistent is Augment space, which is always an Explorer coming after when entering space. There are no locations to park a base, but it is easy to put ships on the edges of the systems and let the Bounty Hunters start hitting your ship. When using the edge of the system, its harder for other players to hit your "chaser" ship, and to keep it going for as long as possible.

If Augment reputation is high enough, Bounty Hunters will attack when entering Augment Space.

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