
TNG #3 - Away Teams

A few things to understand about Away Team Missions:

1. They do not use the standard speedups. 

2. New Missions auto refresh (can be refreshed with 100 Refresh Tokens)

3. Mission slots are unlocked with research.

4. Refresh Tokens will update all mission slots currently inactive (Don't waste it)

5. Daily Goal of completing at least 1 mission has been added which rewards Away Team Speed Ups

This is what a player really need to understand how to use correctly. Selecting the correct officers to maximize mission rewards. Look at the "Key Stats" of the mission and pick officers that favor that stat for the mission. The more points for that stat, the higher the chances of success and the reward multiplier. The reward multiplier also affects the critical reward value.

Away Team Speedups and Trait XP are gained on a daily basis by completing an Away Team mission and collecting from the daily goal.

Next the mission requirement. Previously ran missions will allow a player to run the Rare and Epic missions for better rewards.

A new feature has been added to Away Teams called Traits

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