
TNG #5 - Exocomps

 The Star Trek TNG Arc #4 has brought us a new building and new game feature: Exocomps. These intelligent robots come from the TNG episode S6E09 - "Quality of Life"

Build the exocomp facotry and activate consumables for powerful, temporary boosts

In STFC, the Exocomps are used to give players temporary buffs (stat boosts) that are earned by completing events or collecting resources daily. The buffs are in 3 categories, which alter stats for the player across the Galaxy, within their Station, or in general Combat.

Galaxy Ships must dock before Buff activates Activate Buff, Launch ships from station, Buff will remain active until ship returns to station.
*This works well for mining.
Station Activate Buff before starting Research/Building,
(will not affect stuff in progress)
Save these Buffs for large upgrades and activate them before starting it. 
Combat Activates at the start of combat Be sure to select the correct Buff for the type of ship you plan on using. 
This chart shows all of the buffs or boosts a player gets from exocomps and the type in STFC

To earn these buffs, players must build the Exocomp Factory, and start collecting Axionic Chips. Axionic Servos are required to upgrade the Exocomp building, which improves the daily rewards, buff yield and number of Exocomps a player has available.

Below is the map showing how to gain Axionic Chips (Events, Daily Rewards, Away Missions), as well as what they are used for (redeem for Buffs and Axionic Servos).

Alliance Exocomps can also be acquired from players that are a high enough level and applies to all members of the alliance. Here are the Alliance Exocomp Buffs:

Chart showing Alliance Exocomps and how they affect players by their levels

Gathering Alliance Exocomps is difficult as the lowest level that can get them is LVL46, thru the 7 Day chest. 

This chart shows how a player can earn an exocomp that is used on the entire alliance, that gives a buff or boost based on the players ops level in STFC.

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