
Territories #8 - Sarcophagus Ship

This ship will work on capture nodes during a takeover. It doesn't need to be in a participating alliance for that takeover.

If you see this ship as an opponent during a takeover, take it out before it gets to a capture node. This ship is an Epic ship that is accessible by LVL30 players, and its ability to stack damage is only active when either attacking a capture node occupant, or defending a capture node. It is a slow ship otherwise with not much use.

The ability to upgrade the ship is linked to the Territory Store. Initially, it looks like it will cost $300 for early CC warriors to get this ship at launch. BPs are available from Solo Events and from the Battle Pass. This will be a game changer in territories, as it will level the playing field against big players. BPs are available in the Event Store as part of the Cosmic Cleanup, but at a rate of 4BPs per event.

Black Fleet Memorial is locked to LVL 34, so 33 and below is limited to Tier 2.
Rare Black Fleet Memorial is locked to LVL 37, so 36 and below is limited to Tier 6.

Kirk and Spock will not work on this ship, as there is NO SHIELD. The name of the game is to mitigate the damage from opponent, like Discovery Crew.

***Do not use this ship if you do not have the Bakanite to do the repair. If you are out of RSS to repair, it will tie up a dock, and the officers. You cannot use Latinum to bypass the repair. (Cool off for Bakanite is 22 hours). Do not leave a Sarcophagus in dock with base unshielded.

This ship is huge, and really slow (Impulse 80), and it takes just over 2 minutes to impulse across a system.

This will be updated as we get more information

Below is information on some testing with the Sarcophagus:

The Sarcophagus faired rather well against the Auger, considering the crew it was running and the strength difference. This does make it expensive for G4 ships to clear the nodes against a Sarcophagus when used properly. Your results may vary.

In December 2021, a Cloaking Device was made available for the Sarcophagus which is incredibly useful during a takeover, as the slow ship can make it to a capture node and hit the ships. While cloaked, a boost to the weapons also occurs which is most noticeable on criticals. This is perfect for Honor Guard Worf as he boosts the Critical Hit Chance for the first 8 rounds. 
Criticals hit ~20% harder while cloaked, which can make the difference when trying to take out a large ship with a Sarcophagus in STFC

Criticals while cloaked hit ~20% harder, so really big ships can also be taken out in multiple hits. In the example below, a 12M Valdore was taken out by a 3M Sarcophagus. Each attack took ~ 1/4 of its hull, proving that a sarco can be used to fight a large player parked on a node.
Cloaked Sarcophagus is incredibly useful to clear really strong ships, but takes the right crew and multiple hits. Use a cloaked ship to see inside system, then bring in Sarco to capture nodes.

The Sarcophagus is not technically part of the Klingon Faction, so the cloaking research for Klingon ships does not affect the Sarcophagus cloak duration but does the critical damage.

If defending a territory, a sarcophagus can be moved to a mining node and the weapons will activate on the node. This is also helpful if a player is out of Tetryons for cloaking, or not equipped with a cloak, and are unable to reach a capture node. Some mining nodes are close to the edge of the system, which is perfect for getting onto a node before being targeted and destroyed in route.
*This only works when defending a territory, not new territory.*
So if the zone auto enters the takeover 
(Doesn’t cost an entry fee), then it will work

1 comment:

  1. Potential Crew
