
Borg #11 - Assimilated Trade Ship Hunt

This is specific to a L29 Borg probe system, but illustrates how Hostile Spawn Points work, which other systems have different configurations, but same logic.

Hunting the trade ship can a a lot of luck, or you can make your own luck. Stay near the spawn points to reduce the time it will be in space for others to get when it does show up. Pick a spot between 2 spawn points, and don't wander too far. Nothing sucks more than seeing someone else get the trade ship before you. Our screens will only show us so much of the system, but understanding this can become the advantage. A landscape rectangle is the app view, making the Top Right and Bottom Right of Roda Gamma the best place to hunt for trade ships.

The chart below shows the stats of the Ferengi trade ships. Be sure you are strong enough to hunt them, or you will be wasting tokens

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