
Officers #2: Special Ability Crews

Match your crews together to get a good synergy, but also look for the captains Special Ability. When that ability is activated, it will enhance the other officers on the bridge, which will change how your ship performs in battle. This can include restoring shields, delaying opponents turn, stronger weapons, better dodge, etc.

Hidden Background Abilities:
Ability Affects Background Function
Morale Own Ship + ~25-30% (Armor Piercing, Shield Piercing, Accuracy) when active
Hull Breach Opponent +50% to Total Critical Hit Damage when active
BurningOpponent-1% Total Hull Health from battle start while Burning per round
Math from contributor: Gregor               Functions are not cumulative

Moral only affects your ship, while Hull Breach and Burning affects the opposing ship. Moral is mostly used for defense so your ship lasts longer (Explorers). Hull Breach is for short battles where a lot of damage occurs in the first few rounds (Interceptors). Burning is usually for the longer battles on ships with a lot of hull and armor (Battleships).

Some officers are not really effective in PvP or Armada combat until they are tiered up

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