
Mining #6 - Increase Mining Rates w/SCREE (Borg Tribble)

SCREE is the sound a tribble makes of course, and it is the cry of faster mining rates. Use wisely, as you will hit OPC faster, and may need to watch your ships closely. 10of10 (SCREE) works on all materials, including Data.

Most will use it to mine Lat and Data but it’s a handy boost on mats and rss too. Mining captain with half synergy plus the tribble at level 5 is a 150% bonus vs 100% for full synergy mining crew (Parasteel, Tritanium and Dilithium Only). Also the Tribble as captain with full synergy has a 200% bonus mining any rss vs the 100% bonus of any of the rss mining captains at full synergy. Makes the par/dil mining missions go a lot faster.

With the new TOS Research Updates, SCREE is not as effective on Latinum due to the boost in ship mining. See TOS #2 - New Research and Mining #9 - Different Mining Rates for Latinum

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