
General-Gameplay #14 - Base Raids

 "Shield or Share" is part of the game. If a base is not shielded, it is ripe for hits and theft of resources (Parasteel, Tritanium and Dilithium). Sometimes a lot of patience is needed to pull off a successful raid, other times it is just a good opportunity. The but part is a decent ship with the right crew. As a good rule to gauge if a raid will be successful, a players ship will need at least 1/2 of the strength of the base they are attacking. Otherwise it will not work. Ships in port get attacked first, then the defense platforms. 

Once the shield is down, start the resource raid. Switch to a mining ship with better cargo stats, and move base closer if possible. 

Beware of the Nova Icon, as that will draw attention to your raid and bring other players to the party.

A new officer has made base raiding easier as he delays the base and ships firing by 1 round so the attacker has a chance to bring down everything after a few hits. Caption ROM, combined with Honor Guard Worf and either Gorgiou or Mudd is effective for raids.

This is the defense against a Rom base raid, as this crew will negate Rom's ability to delay the defenses. 

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