
Duality #1 - Cloaked Ships

The cloaking ability has been added to the Klingon and Romulan ships in STFC. The ability needs to have a refit cloaking per ship. 

This shows how the cloak capability works and where to find which ships can gain the ability

Here are the intro slides from the game explaining how Cloak works once unlocked

You've aquired a Cloaking Device!. Cloaked ships are temporarily invisible and cannot targeted. Attacking while cloaked deals increased damage and provides a chance to hide your name and alliance data from enemy Battle Reports.

Operating the cloak requires Tetryons, which is gathered in a daily gift chest once a Cloak refit is applied to a ship type (You don't need to have the ship to redeem the Cloak Shards)

* Note the Max of 200, so the number of times the cloak can be used daily is limited.
Redeem over limit and a 5m repair will be awarded. 

As a ship is tiered up, the Cloak will last longer. 
Higher power ships have a higher Tetryon operating cost that is not affected by ship tier.

This chart shows the time a ship can remain cloaked in minutes based on the ship tier (linked to the warp drive) and the tetryon cost to establish the cloak.

Battles have a boost to damage and a 66% for player name and alliance to not show in the log

Attacking while cloaked also boosts weapons damage against targets, which is especially noticeable on critical hits.
This chart proves that cloaked ships have a boost to weapons against their opponents

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