
Ship - Talla

TALLA (Neutral) 2 Common Battleship

This Battleship is an old Andorian design from the mid-2100s that specializes in strong structural armor and a large quantity of energy weapon banks. The ship was named after Talla, the half-Aenar daughter of the historical figure, Commander Shran, as a symbol of the unity of the Andorian and Aenar races as one galactic community. 

Blueprints Needed: 40 Minimum Level: 14

Max Tiers: 7Can Scrap:Yes
Max Levels: 35

Ship Ability: Explorer Hunter
If the opponent's ship is en Explorer, the TALLA increases its Weapon Damage by X%

Data By Tier from LCARS
This chart shows the RSS required to upgrade the Talla in STFC by Tier.

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Total Cost of OwnershipFiring Pattern

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