
Ship - Newton

USS NEWTON (Federation) 4 Rare Battleship

The Newton class is named after iconic human scientist, Sir Isaac Newton, a legend of his field on Earth in the 1600s. The eponymous ship, the USS Newton, was destroyed instantly in the Battle of Vulcan by Nero’s mining behemoth, the Narada. The name lives on as the class continues to be built by Starfleet to field the front lines as the war escalates with the Romulans and Klingons. 

Blueprints Needed: 350 Minimum Level: 46

Credits Per BP:1,450=507,500 Total Faction Credits

Max Tiers: 12Can Scrap: No
Max Levels: 60

Ship Ability: Confiscate Evidence
The USS Newton gains X% more resources from Hostiles

This chart shows the RSS required to upgrade the Newton in STFC by Tier.

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