
Ship - Kumari

KUMARI (Neutral) 3 Common Battleship

The Kumari is an Andorian battle cruiser class named after the legendary Andorian Imperial Guard ship that assisted Earth’s mission to unravel the mystery of the Xindi in 2153. The Andorians built so many of these ships in anticipation of all-out war with the Vulcans that many of the older models can be found in large numbers to this day. 

Blueprints Needed: 60 Minimum Level: 24

Max Tiers: 9Can Scrap:Yes @ 26
Max Levels: 45

Ship Ability: Shield Disrupter
If the opponent's ship is an Explorer, the KUMARI increases its Shield Piercing by X%

Data By Tier from LCARS
This chart shows the RSS required to upgrade the Kumari in STFC by Tier.

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ScrapFiring Pattern

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