
Getting Started #9 - Gaining a Faction (Federation, Romulan, Klingon)

One of the most important things a low level player can do is gain officer shards as quickly as possible. One of the ways to do that is to gain faction reputation so credits can be redeemed for recruit chests.

Players must be at least lvl16 with a 20k strength ship to start this process. By hitting faction mining ships, a player can start gaining faction reputation. Once enough reputation is gained, the Faction Store is activated which will also enable new daily goals. This will give more options for completing the daily goals. Be careful not to gain too much faction reputation, as that will make the daily goals so hard that you will not be able to complete them.

Again, the goal of this is to gain officer shards quickly.

As a player gains reputation with factions, the daily goals will get harder, but rewards get better. Be careful not to got harder daily goals than what ships will allow you to accomplish.

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