
Getting Started #8 - Rules of Engagement

Although not technically part of the game itself, most servers have some type of gentleman's agreement of how to play fairly, and not cause mass chaos on the entire server where nobody can mine resources effectively. This scenario causes many to not advance in the game at all without paying for upgrades, and many abandon the game because they do not enjoy it.


Defined as:

"Rules of engagement (ROE) are the internal rules or directives among military forces (including individuals) that define the circumstances, conditions, degree, and manner in which the use of force, or actions which might be construed as provocative, may be applied."

To begin it is important to know that Star Trek Fleet Command is a game of very few restrictions on player engagements.

From when you initially assumed a position on a resource node and were warned that mining is an inherently dangerous activity until level 10 when learned your ships were vulnerable in nearly every situation to level 15 & your station became a possible target.

The only remaining constraint was the player level attack ranges (PvP range) built into the the game dictating who could attack you and who you could attack based on their level.

This lawless environment rankled many players and so they chose to self-impose certain ROE to promote an atmosphere of fair play. These were quickly adopted by some alliances, sometimes to the extent of server-wide use.

In general these rules involved when it was appropriate to attack a ship or miner such as if the ship had exceeded the protected cargo capacity (OPC or OPL) or if they occupied a non-producing mine (zero node).

It may include any number of other stipulations.

None of these are required and some players choose to behave with no rules governing their play. That is their right.

It is also the right of players or their allies to seek retribution for what they deem unsociable play, even to the extent of declaring others as undesirable and issue 'kill on sight' orders (KOS).

It is up to you to choose how you wish to play and with whom you wish to ally.

The rewards and the consequences are yours to reap.

As this is a per-server agreement, LCARS does not have a command.

Good luck and have a great game!!!

Example Simple ROE from Server 16:


Zero or OPC - Fair to hit with warning

Live/let live active NS OPC - No hit

Use BB on data, D’Vor on lat 

Right to retaliate for any transgression reserved


Example ROE from Server 16:

1. Raw Materials -Ore/Crystal/Gas Miners actively mining are protected unless over protected cargo limit or on a zero node. Northstars actively mining can only be attacked on zero node or when unable to mine (capacity reached). Botany Bays are not protected when mining Raw Materials  This clarifies that Botany Bays can be booted from any 3* nodes. If you use a BB as a placeholder while swapping cargo you risk losing the node.

2. Data -Corrupted/Decoded Botany Bays actively mining are protected unless over protected cargo limit or on a zero node. All other miners are unprotected when mining Data.  This will likely only be an issue during data mining events.

3. Common Resources -Dilithium/Tritanium/Parsteel Miners actively mining are protected unless over protected cargo limit or on a zero node.  OPC allowed again(edited)

4. Exceptions (Rule D) 

a. In level 29 systems and above on raw material nodes, Envoys & Fortunates can be removed in favor of a more efficient miner if no other mines can be found and/or a daily needs to be completed. Retaliation does not apply to either party when this rule is used. 

b. Scopley events/wars/player made events/and to manage ROE violations as deemed necessary by the alliance and/or appropriate council. Notifications will be sent out to other alliances as far ahead as feasible. We will keep you posted when this applies; FFLY will not be initiating this clause.(edited)

5. Violations 

a. Minor incidents should be worked out between the involved players, especially in the case of a game bug.  

Take a chill pill. Cooler heads will prevail. Don’t be a dick. 

b. Violations result in a 24/hr KOS between the alliance and the aggressor if the issue cannot be worked out between the players.  

Limited to the violator only. Do not hit other people in their alliance for retribution. Seek assistance from the RoE officer/leadership. c. Repeated violations result in retaliation against members of the aggressor's alliance. Must be approved by leadership of the victim's alliance and notification sent to aggressor's alliance.


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