
Event #15 - Second Chances (Solo)

This is in reference to the TNG episode "Second Chances" where Will Riker is duplicated in a transporter accident, and his duplicate is stranded on a planet. They later meet each other.

To compete in this event requires a new strategy. This event requires Alliance Contributions (just like Unity), spending Federation/Independent credits or making Supply Runs. 

WARNING: Federation or Independent credits must be spent on Officers to count for event.

Supply Runs are simply visiting the Event Store and cashing in 1* Isogen. The problem is, if you don't have a lot of 1* Isogen saved up, you will need to go mining. This is where the Meridian is a big help. Max pull is 100k 1* Isogen/h. This is difficult to maintain without maintaining several nodes on several upgraded Horizons. Territory space mining will be faster, but not everybody has access to territory mining nodes. 

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