
TOS #5 - St Patrick’s Day Quiz

 Credit: Orion625:

1 What is the principle of Starfleet's "Prime Directive?" - b - Non-intervention - Mine 1 G3 gas in Afritalis system

2 Who was the captain of the Enterprise in the original TOS pilot? - f - Pike - Deal 1 damage to any hostile in Von

3 Which state did James T Kirk grow up in? - c- Iowa - Mine 1 G3 ore in Rator Ssytem

4 Which year did the first episode of TOS air? - d - 1966 - Deal 1 damage to any hostile in Ok'Vak system

5 Which Starship does Sulu command in "Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country"? - h - USS Excelsior - Mine 1 G3 crystal in Morska system

6 Which Star Trek character was the only one who appeared in both pilot episodes of TOS? - c - Spock - Deal 1 damage to any hostile in Elequa system

7 What was Sulu's position on the Enterprise? - f - Helmsman - Destroy any hostile in H'Atoria system

8 Which existing species disocvered the warp drive first? - a - Vulcans - Deal 1 damage to any hostile in Oppidum Pulvis system

9 What does the acronym NCC in the Starship Enterprise registry "NCC-1701" stand for? - a - Naval Construction Contract - Destroy any hostile in Von system

10 Uhura was fond of singing a particular song accompanied with a Vulcan lute.  Which of the following is the correct lyric of that song: - c - Forver is just another journey - Deal 1 damage to any hostile in Gradientes system

11 In which star system did the USS Constellation discover the planet killer? - f - Ssytem L-374 - Deal 1 damage to any hostile in Tejat system

12 How did James Doohan lose his middle finger? - B - World War 2 - Destroy any hostile in Nelvana system

13 Which phrase was never actually spoken in Star Trek - g - Beam me up, Scotty - Mine 1 G3 gas in P'jem system

14 Reportedly, the original Star Trek pilot was not aired because it was.. - c - Too intellectual - Destroy any hostile in H'Atoria system

15 What does the Doomsday Machine use to break planets apart? - a - Antiprotons - Mine 1 G3 crystal in Narendra system

16 What was the primary reason Commodore Decker flew a shuttlecraft into the Doomsday Machine? - b - Guilt from losing his crew - Destroy any hostile in the Tejat system

17 Who was the first character to receive Spocks infamous nerve pinch? - d - Kirk - Deal 1 damage to any hostile in Etalon system

18 Which character brought Tribbles onboard into the Enterprise? - h - Uhura - Mine 1 G3 crystal in Etaoin

19 Which NASA space shuttle was named after a ship on Star Trek? - a - Enterprise - Destroy any hostile in Elequa 

20 Which acronym is often found on the pipes and ducts of starships? - d - GNDN - Mine 1 G3 ore in Argandu

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