
Territories #4 - Takeover PvP

WARNING: If you are defending our own space and loose, move base out of space as quickly as possible. You will be unable to shield, and you have to have repaired ships to move base. So if an alliance goes on a crazy raid of your base, you wont be able to stop them without loosing most of your base RSS.

Bigger players should use their best PvP crew and occupy nodes, while the smaller players use cheap ships to spam the systems, or load up fast crews to clear opposing spam ships. 

When a ship is in the system (not in combat), it counts for 1 point at the top of the minute. When that same ship is on a capture node, and extra 2 points is collected at the top of the minute (total of 3). Mining nodes do not add to the points per minute (1 per ship in system during takeover), and ships in port do not count.

1 comment:

  1. I believe the node bonus is +3 points, not +2, for a total of 4 points.
