
Rogue #5 - Stella Ship

This ship specializes in gaining additional loot from the Eclipse Ships and Armada Targets.

It’s recommended to use the Stella against Eclipse Armadas for better reward yield:
Mudd-Mada loot = base loot (published by scanning) x (1+ [5/10 borg officer] bonus + stella bonus + highway robbery research level)

The main resource for the Stella to get upgraded components is Uranium. To go to Tier 2 for example, only Uranium is required (no other RSS). Uranium has a 3 day cool down timer between redeems in the Rogue Faction Store. Also, reputation with the Rogue faction changes the pricing for Uranium.
Abettor: 990 loot for 2630 UC Uranium
Trouble-Maker: 1110 loot for 5260 UC Uranium

Stella Particles are gained either by events or by scrapping the Stella in the scrapyard

It also presents a new way to play, build, fight, upgrade, scrap, research, build again.

Recommendation: Do not scrap Stella until leveled up to at least level 15 (Tier 3) for a more efficient reward.

NOTE: Stella Particle table on slide below is inaccurate after game updates, referance Rogue #7 for current Stella Particle Scrap Yield

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