
Rogue #10 - Armada Crew/Target Size

For some reason, running a Moral crew with Bones in the Captains chair is more effective against Muddmaddas than Kirk. This trick only works on Mudds. The effect of this is that the ships take less damage, Morale triggers more often, and more points restored to the shields. This makes the ships last longer in the fight.
As the Stella Research is completed, the ship becomes more powerful. The research to focus on is mitigation, so it lasts longer in a fight and bigger targets can be hit for better loot. Here is a chart showing what Muddmadda targets should be selected based on the Rogue research completed, specifically Stella Defenses, and which crews to use if that research is low or high.

Mitigation caps out at 71%, which is also why it is important to keep the shields up as long as possible as they take 80% of what was not mitigated. The remaining 20% goes to Hull Health. 

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