
Rogue #1 - Info

The Rogue Faction works similarly to Augment, with some minor differences.
1. Missions gain points to unlock store
2. Hit hostiles to build reputation (Eclipse Trade Ships), redeem credits for reputation
3. Redeem Decoded a data for Eclipse Directives
4. Armada cargo redeems for either Rogue Credits and Rogue Reputation, or Uncommon Uranium
5. Stella ship used against trade ships in Rogue space, Uncommon Uranium used for upgrading ship.
6. Research Credits required as well as other tokens for some research items.
For more information on the economy of rogue faction, see Rogue #2 - Faction Economy

To unlock and start the Rogue Faction, a player must complete the Stella Research under the Outlaw research tree.

Once the store unlocks, focus on hitting Eclipse Hostiles for Security Codes and only spend the Rogue Credits on the Stella BPs. 

Once the Stella is unlocked, then work on Research Credits for the Research Tree. The key is to keep the reputation low as the process in the store will go up as the reputation moves up. See Rogue #9 - Store Costs

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