
Officers #6: The Need For Speed

Overall, Pan provides the best boost to impulse speed in the game, compared to Klaa and Burnham, but Burnham is also a good officer to use for PvP for her officer ability. Notice how the slower ships run faster with Burnham than with Klaa. The addition of Kuron adds speed to the ship as well, after a ship is destroyed. If Kuron is maxed out, his boost is just like Pan with full synergy.
This chart compares the impulse speeds of the main speed officers, to include the new Kuron.

For maximum impulse speed, which is useful for harassing other players or making quick getaways, pair Kuron with Pan for the best results. The chart below shows how Pan with Kuron is the fastest possible options, and the 2nd best options based on the ship and promotion level of Kuron.

This chart shows how to get the fastest ship that nobody can catch, by pairing Kuron with Pan in STFC


  1. You left out Karon who adds to impulse after successful kill.

    1. Kuron has been added. Thanks for the note. NCC1887
