
Getting Started #1 - Basic Game Mechanics

This game operates similar to Dungeons and Dragons, in that the ships you use have abilities based on ship type, and how it has been upgraded. Ships can be improved by putting on better officers.
Each ship has bonuses that are affected by the officer stats on the ship. Those stats get added together, and can improve key parts of the ship stats (Attack, Defense, Health). In addition to this, there are three main types of ships (Explorer, Interceptor, Battleship). Each one has certain abilities that gives them an advantage/disadvantage over other ship types.

Each officer has a Captains Ability, that only activates when they are in the middle position on the bridge (captains chair). The Officer Ability is active only while on the bridge. As officers are promoted, the Officer Abilities are improved as well as the officer stats, both of which make ships more powerful.

Research is also a component of the ship power. Lower level research pads the ship stats directly, while higher level research will add percentages to the ship stats. Officers can also add to ship stats to make it powerful in different ways.

Leveling up ships improves the ability of the ship as well. So look at the ship ability and understand that as the ship levels up, that ability gets better. Ship ability will help quite a bit on mining ships.

Once you understand this game mechanic, you can make better choices as to how you play to maximize your results (picking the right ship, and use the proper crews).
When picking a ship to destroy (Hostile or Player), look at the battle triangle types to get an advantage as well as looking at the ship strength. 

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