
Gameplay-Strategy #5: The LCpl Maneuver

Sometimes being the David against the Goliath can be really helpful. This one is named after a member of the team who would turn the tides of battle, with weak ships compared to the opponent we were against. This move slows down the large ships, and they have to retarget. This can give your other alliance members a chance to catch the ship as well. This can also just irritate someone to the point that they give up, as its not worth the trouble.

Use tiny ships to intercept the larger ships that are attacking a friendly base/ship. This tactic is not designed to damage, but to cause effective delays. Each hit will delay attacking ship by at least 6 seconds, and they will have to re-target.

The Realta has a really fast Impulse Engine, faster than nearly all bigger ships unless crewed with Klaa/Pan/Burnham (most players don’t use them), making quick attacks, and it can outrun them if they start chasing you. See Officers #6: The Need For Speed

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