
Armada #1: Main Crews

Armadas bonus exceptions
Due to their size and power, Armada Targets are not affected by the following research bonuses and abilities:
• Research: Combat - Defensive Tactics
• B’Rel Class - Cloaking System
• Gladius Class - Secret Weapon
• Grace Chen - Energy Absorber
• T’Laan - Objective Defense
• Tal - Resistance
• Mara - Wife of a Dahar
• Qa’ug - Excel under Pressure
• Severus - Spreading Fire
• Yuki Sulu - Disrupting Field
• John Harrison - Sabotage
• Marlena Moreau - No Fear
• Cadet Nyota Uhura - Scan the Enemy
• Vixis - Fake Communiques
• D’joaki - Shatter Defenses
• Chang - Dogs of War

Use the Special Abilities to create conditions against the target that is shared with participants in the Armada (except Morale). This can help add more damage to the target, especially on larger targets.

Below is a more refined chart showing the armada target level and which ships should be used against them, as well as recommended crews to utilize for maximum effect.

By using the principal of "staying in your lane", players within an alliance can achieve more reward per player and a lower failure rate on armadas. 

Armada loot distribution among participants is based on ship strength brought to the fight, not damage done in battle. It is highly recommended to stick to the "Lanes" mentality within an alliance to maintain a fair distribution of loot to players. A lower level player can launch a really high level armada and still get good rewards as they get a chest each time as the one launching, but the battle chest will be small.

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